レナータ・ピアッツア Renata Piazza
イタリア、シチリア島生まれ、ヴェネチア大学日本語学科卒業、早稲田大学 政治経済学部客員研究員、ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院卒業。全日空、東京三菱銀行(ロンドン)を経て、スペイン外務省直轄外交機関カサアジアに10年間プロジェクト・コーディネーターとして勤務。以後日本ならびにアジア各国関連の講演会、展示会、セミナーなど経済・文化交流活動に従事。3.11以降、東北地方に何度も渡り長期間滞在し、強固なネットワークを築く。震災のあと東北に生み出したイノベーションや、東北と欧州ビジネス交流を推進のため2013年にスペインでNPOハセクラプログラムを設立.
Founder and President of Hasekura Program, a business exchange and training program for Japanese and European SMEs, social entrepreneurs and local authorities, aimed at promoting cross borders collaborations between post growth societies. After obtaining her MSc in Politics of Asia from SOAS (University of London) worked as project coordinator in the Spanish Ministry of Foreign affairs think-tank Casa Asia, where she coordinated conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other cultural and economic events related to various Asian countries and especially Japan. After 3.11, Renata established Hasekura Program to foster regional social innovation and cross borders fertilisation between entrepreneurs in Japan and Europe. Supported by various European and Japanese institutions, more than 80 social innovators and regional leaders have participated in the program in the past three years. By the end of 2016 she will move to Tono (Iwate) as co-founder of the novel “machizukuri” project Next Commons Lab.